March 31, 2013

  • Belief

    When I reflect on where I am in life right now, it’s not where I want it to be and more importantly where I need it to be.  My physical, emotional and mental health is so out of kilter.  Kachino left this for me – merci beaucoup.

    I remember my dreams.  There are so many things to do before I can set my life back on track again.  Maybe this is life’s way of jolting me out of my “comfort zone”.  If I can’t get the hint to move on, there’s nothing like pain and misery to prompt me to move.  It’s a kick in the ass when gentle hints won’t do.  There’s no sense wallowing in regret.  I can’t give up.  I know whatever happens, I can’t change overnight.  It’ll be small and sometimes painful steps moving forward. 


Comments (19)

  • change is usually painful and moe so if we are into a rut. One day at a time is still a great motto.

  • Will repeat my offer: if you need someone to bounce ideas off of, especially with regards to career pathing, I’m here for you.

    Two commercials running in Canada ;) . Seriously Matt, just ask yourself the questions and you will find your answers :)

  • Change is difficult, growing can be painful, kicks-in-the-ass are definitely painful , but they can all be seen down the road as wonderful.
    If loss and grief is involved, we need to let it happen in it’s time…and it’s okay…we don’t have to “get over anything” quickly…and sometimes it’s such a great loss we won’t ever get over it…But, with time we’ll learn to live with our new reality.
    I don’t know what’s going on in your life…but I wish you the best…I wish you well…I believe something great is just around the corner!!!

  • Well, not everyone is open for a change, but sometimes it’s inevitable.  And I hope you’ll eventually get out of your current situation.  Wish you all the best, Matt! :)

  • This post is the perfect reminder, really. Thank you! 

    And hopefully the gentle hints are more than enough to get us to move forward in life. 
    @adamswomanback - so true. 

  • mon ami. I bet we can have a great time talking about stuff like this over a nice cup o coffee or… boba.

  • This video and the lecture was so thought provoking. I hope you can make a good change and are extremely satisfied with the change. Lots of love and luck dear Matt.

  • man, i hope your mean coworkers/bossses catch pinworm infestations!

  • @Fatcat723 - it’s so easy to just stay still and do nothing.  Change can be so disruptive but it’s essential for growth.

    @christao408 - thanks Chris, I appreciate the support.

    @kachino - I can’t believe a beer commercial would have something relevant.  But that was interesting and thought provoking. 

    @adamswomanback - you’re right, the kick in the ass can lead to something wonderful.  Right now, it doesn’t feel that way but I need to believe that something is great just around the corner (it might be a few corners).  Thank you for the encouragement.

    @CurryPuffy - thanks Gary, I think this is going to be a turbulent year for me.  I have to remain optimistic.

    @nov_way - you’re welcome and thank you for the rec. 

    @BenelliMan - I always enjoy chatting over a cup of coffee Dennis, thank you for the rec.

    @ZSA_MD - I don’t think it’ll be easy for me to change but I need to.  Thanks for the rec.

  • @l0311879l - hahaha, but revenge won’t get me further ahead.  The best revenge is for me to move on to a better situation. 

  • hugs.  hang in there, matt.  life does throw you many curve balls.  sometimes, it’s not about how to stay clear of the incomings, but to get hit and remember the pain, so that we can appreciate better of the little and seldom good things that happen in life, when they do grace our life.  

  • Don’t know what to say except hang in there and hope things will get better! *hugs*

  • @rudyhou - thanks Rudy, it’s funny how life can be sometimes.  It smacks you around so you can remember the good things about it.  I suppose this makes us stronger though.

    @brooklyn2028 - hi Sheldon, thank you – I hope things are going well with you. 

  • The first step toward fixing something is realizing that there is a problem.  Yes, perhaps slow and painful, but you will get there Matt.

  • @Toro69 - Fred – I appreciate the confidence you have in me.  There are days in this journey when I’m filled with self doubts. 

  • Aw, Matt, there’s such yearning in this post – and many other ones before it.

    This is the second time someone has suggested this clip and I got an unnerving feeling that maybe being a writer isn’t what I want to do – because it’s not enjoyable, at times (I’m actually dedicating the rest of this year to my desire to be a writer & it’s been humbling 99% of the time and 1% awesome). I get this urge to meet you and shake you up – haha -but I only need to look at myself and realise things can be much easier said than done.
    I know it’s obvious, Matt, but you won’t live forever. Do something now.

  • @stepaside_loser - I get this urge to shake myself up too.  I wish you well in your journey to be a writer.  It’s not easy and I’ll be cheering you on.  Do you really have the urge to meet me or just to shake me up?  

  • @ElusiveWords - Hey, I’m doing well.  I can’t complain when comparatively my problems are so minor compared to others.  Hope you are finding a way to take those small steps towards moving forward. :)

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