February 1, 2009

  • Greetings - doggie style

    Why is it that when I bump into dogs in my condo, 9 out of  10 times (especially the big dogs) - they will come over and sniff my crotch?  I know that's how they greet each other.  You must have seen dogs do that to each other on the sidewalk.  Sort of like a 69 but standing up.  Some of the owners will pull their dog away immediately but they keep staring at my crotch (the dogs - not the owners). 

    It's a good thing humans don't do this.  Can you imagine a conversation at work?

    Matt:  Hi Bob, how was your weekend?  *sniff sniff*
    Bob:  Pretty good *sniiifffff*  How was yours? 
    Matt:  Great - hey, there's Mary - let's go find out how the meeting went this morning!
    Mary:  Hi guys, one at a time please - I only have one nose!

    In my next life, I want to be a dog and find out what all the fuss is about. 

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