May 17, 2012

  • My Spidey Senses are Tingling

    I was working late in my dimly lit home office.  (ed note:  Matt's home office is just a desk in the corner of his condo.)  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw something move on the wall.  I looked over and saw this huge spider.  WTF - it was the size of a toonie!  It must have known I was looking at it because it just stopped.  I grabbed a couple of tissue and growled.  I hate killing big spiders so I have to get a bit angry first.  I slammed the tissue against the spider and pulled it back.  I slowly open the crunched up tissue and it was empty!  It must have fallen into the pile of boxes underneath my desk.  I hunted for that thing and can't find it. 

    Now I can't sleep.  I have a pissed off spider looking for revenge.  I just know once I doze off, it's gonna bite me or do something nasty.  I also figured even if I somehow killed it and the body fell behind the desk, it'll turn into a zombie spider.  I really need to sleep with a gun or a can of Raid.  


Comments (13)

  • Ooh, just learnt a new word: toonie - groovy. If it's 3cms, I wouldn't squash it, because I'm a wuss. Instead, I'd knock it inside a takeaway container, close the lid and throw it in the bin - yes, they will die a slow, painful death, unfortunately.

  • Actually, that spider might be eating other little crawlies that are in your condo. It may be helping keep your condo clear of those little pests.

  • Spider Man..Spider Man does whatever a spider can. Spins a web any size, catches thieves just like flies.

  • hahaha ur so bloody cute XD

  • I hate killing insects. I throw everything I have at them: shoes, newspapers, chemical warfare ... only my neutrino gun is reserved for the really big critters.

  • Haha~cover yourself while you sleep and make sure it won't creep into your mouth or ears while you are dreaming away! 

  • That spider is gonna be more elusive now that you almost killed it! I find using tissues are gross because you feel the "juice" when you squish it. *shudders*  I use slippers instead. 

  • dude, it could turn out to be a spiderbro

  • @stepaside_loser - aw... don't throw it into the bin, throw the spider outside if you can.  Our dollar coin is known as the loonie because it has a loon on it. 

    @Fatcat723 - I know but I wish this spider would stay hidden.  I really didn't want to know it was there.

    @catstemplar2 - hahaha... speaking of which, I can't wait for the next movie to come out.

    @DuTcHess_VaLkyrie - thanks... I am a bit silly sometimes.  But I blame it on that spider! 

    @beowulf222 - shoes?  hahahaha.....  there must be a lot of scuff marks on your walls and ceilings.

    @CurryPuffy - I was awake till 2:30ish and slept with the lights on (as if that helps).

    @MzKeekz - I hate that squishy feeling too.  If you use slippers, then you would have to wipe the walls and the slippers too. 

    @supanamja - omg - what a touching story (well... sort of) hahaha...

  • Are you frikkin kidding me?

    Matt, move those damn boxes off their butts, and look for it. I would go sleep in a motel until I find that eight-legged monster.

  • haha... i do the same with mosquitos.  i sleep in total darkness.  sometimes i would hear a buzzing noise near my ear from a mosquito flying by, in which i would automatically sit up and switch on the side table light and wait for the sucker to come back so i can kill it.  and i can't go back to sleep till i do.  just the thought of that damn thing sucking my blood while i sleep and leaving a big itch is just driving me mad.

  • >< Get a mini vacuum with a hose! That way they can't escape .__.

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